A great way to get your youth plugged in, serving and finding their talents!
The key point here is to find ways to kids to plug in where they already have a passion or interest!

Here’s a mock schedule of a sunday service run completely by youth!

Setup: Do people usually set up your sanctuary in the morning? Have the youth do it!
Greeting:  Have the youth stationed at the front of the church welcoming people with smiles and candy!
Group Songs:  Have the youth choose and lead these songs
(If you use projected lyrics or printed lyrics, have the youth make those too!)
Opening Prayer
Reading: Have the youth choose the reading and do the reading
Offering Song
Sermon/Group Testimonies: A full sermon could be quite intimidating, but what about several youth sharing the spotlight by sharing testimonies on a specific theme?
Offertory Song: Have the youth be the ushers and collect the offering during this song
Closing Song
Have the youth bake goodies to share with the congregation the night before

I know many of you do Youth Service’s on a regular basis! What other ideas do you have?