There are so many ways to get youth to contribute to Youth Ministry. Think about the many things that you do on a regular basis to make youth group possible, and then ask yourself…. “Could a youth be doing this instead?”
Here are some idea’s to get you thinking:

  • Snacks: Is there a youth in your community who is known for their love of cooking and/or baking? Ask them to make the snacks for your upcoming event!

  • Games/Icebreakers: Do you need to come up with a game or icebreaker? Ask a youth ahead of time to do it. They’ll love leading those crazy games!

  • Photos: Do you have a youth who is constantly posting photos on facebook and instagram? Ask them to become the official photographer for youth group this time!

  • Social Media: Do you have a youth who is constantly on social media? Get them to advertise for your upcoming event!

  • Testimony: Is there someone in your youth group who loves to tell stories? Ask them to share a testimony on the theme!

  • Prayer: Is there someone in your youth group who needs to be challenged? Ask them ahead of time to prepare a prayer for the evening

  • Song Leading: Are there musical kids in your group? Ask them to help choose and lead songs at youth group!

  • Technical Support: Are there kids who have a knack for technological equipment? Ask them to help set up your AV!

What other ways can you think of to get kids involved in youth group? Post your comments below!