1. Discuss the following questions in pairs or small groups:

    1. What is something you are excited for?

    2. What is something you are grateful for?

    3. What is something you are working on in your life? (personal growth, goals, etc.)

  2. Spend some time through talks, testimonies and discussion in the topic of conversations with God. Focus on the following points:

    1. What kinds of conversations do you have with your friends?

    2. What kinds of conversations do you have with God?

    3. How are we impacted by positive and negative conversations in our lives?

    4. What kinds of prayers do you think God hears the most?

    5. How do you think God feels when surrounded by those conversations?

  3. Use this time as an opportunity to try some new conversations with God so that we can uplift our Heavenly Parent, instead of depending on Him/Her in times of need and struggle. Rotate through three stations and in each station ask the youth to pray about one of the following points:

    1. What is something you are excited for?

    2. What is something you are grateful for?

    3. What is something you are working on in your life? (personal growth, goals, etc.)

  4. Regroup and debrief together:

    1. How were those conversations with God different from the ones you usually have?

    2. How do you think God felt about those prayers?

    3. How do you think God is feeling now?